
We have no conventional list of references. We guarantee that you will also remain anonymous.

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For logical reasons our clients insist on full discretion in all cases.

The need for polygraph examination is not positive news for examinees as it indicates that somebody has doubted the veracity of their statements. Exceptions are the cases when examinees themselves wish to use a polygraph test to support their truth. For these reasons, we disclose our references with full anonymity, only indicating the types of cases.

Our chief examiner Enikő Pál, psychologist and forensic expert has conducted over 6,500 polygraph tests for state, business and private clients in the past 20 years.


Polygraph examinations conducted for law enforcement and investigation authorities and courts:

  • Find lost persons and bodies
  • Identify homicide perpetrators, explore the circumstances of murder, discover corpus delicti
  • Identification of theft and burglary perpetrators and members of group offences
  • Verification of the truthfulness of confessions using polygraph testing
  • Infanticide – find murdered and hidden infants using polygraph testing
  • Verify vandalism and abuse, investigation of sexual crimes or using polygraph testing to reveal the commitment of endangering minors.
  • Underpin testimonies using polygraph testing in civil lawsuits, verification of truth in testimonies in default of other objective evidence, upon order by attorneys.


For companies:


Typical polygraph test services for private individuals:


We always perform our polygraph examinations in compliance with privacy requirements and handle all related information with the strictest confidence. In protection of our clients, we do not retain or disclose the information confided to us or obtained during the polygraph tests.


Contact us for further information »


You can rely on our discretion!

No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.

Albert Enstein

A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

Mark Twain

Everything can deceive, but the tone of voice... It is undisguised and unveils all emotions.

Zsigmond Móricz

Always remember that nice words are not always true and the true words are not always nice.

Mór Jókai


ReferencesWe can only describe case types, becouse of dicretion matters.


Polygraph Examination

Polygraph examinationGet famailiar with the lie detector.


Contact Us

Contact usIf you want an examination, please contact us at one of our contact details.
